On Saturday, October 22, authors Jack Gantos and Phil Bildner were on hand at the Texas Book Festival to reveal the 20 books selected as nominees for next year's Bluebonnet list! There are so many great books - they will be fantastic reads for our third, fourth and fifth graders next year! You can take a sneak peek at the 2012-2013 list here: http://www.txla.org/sites/tla/files/groups/TBA/docs/TBA_12-13.pdf
Mrs. Carter picked up some great new books for our library signed by their authors. She also met up with a few other friends you might recognize. You never know who you are going to run into in downtown Austin!
Mrs. Carter picked up some great new books for our library signed by their authors. She also met up with a few other friends you might recognize. You never know who you are going to run into in downtown Austin!
Jack Gantos and Phil Bildner share the 2012-2013 Bluebonnet List
Bad Kitty and Mrs. Carter
A couple of Star Wars characters, but no Origami Yoda today