The Jollyville Library provides materials to support a love of reading and enhance the curriculum of our school. We provide materials to students, staff, and parents in the form of print, non-print, and electronic resources.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Round Rock Reads - Summer Reading Initiative

Jollyville students are pledging to spend time reading this summer! Reading impacts all areas of achievement; lifelong readers are lifelong learners. Avoid the “summer slide” and help your child maintain or advance his or her reading skills over the next few months.

Many area libraries offer summer reading programs to keep children engaged and excited about books. Here are two libraries that provide free library cards for all RRISD students:
Sign up for the summer reading program online or in person. Students set an individual reading goal for the summer.  Meet that goal and get a free book from the Austin Public Library!

The Round Rock Public Library:
Students who read 20 minutes a day receive prizes for reading 20, 30, 40, and 50 days this summer! There are also special prizes for students who go beyond the 20 minutes of reading a day.
Also, don’t forget about the wonderful online resources provided by our school district.  Look for usernames and passwords to these resources in your child’s Thursday folder. Many of these resources include books that can be read online, magazine articles, educational games, and much, much more! Just click on "Research Resources" on the right of this page to see all of the online sources we have available!